House Subiaco

Patron: St. Francis of Assisi


“Vince Virtute Aut Morere Moliens”


All students, faculty, and staff here at St. Bernard are divided into one of eight houses, each being named after a Benedictine monastery (Anselmo, Bernard, Clairvaux, Cluny, Metten, Monte Cassino, Subiaco, and Vincent). The House System is intended to pull students together across class divisions, increase school spirit, and provide leadership opportunities for our students. Every year, the houses will plan and carry out a service project and social event. Throughout the year, they will compete for house points, earning privileges and ultimately trying to become the year’s House Champion. Students from each house have chosen a patron saint, motto, and crest. In keeping with the Year of Mercy, this year, each house will complete a project for each of the 7 Corporal Works of Mercy.