Anabelle Hazard, parent, speaks of her children's experience at St. Bernard Prep.

Best boarding schools in the US. Photo of Biology class.

They love their subject.

Many have taught for 20 years or more, but still find fresh excitement in every school day because they are enamored with their subject area.

Teachers don’t just talk about being life-long learners, they model it through ongoing research. Their intellectual curiosity is a witness to students - one you won’t find in a textbook.

Best boarding schools in the US. Student asking question.

They love teaching.

Teachers still feel delight every time a student’s eyes flash wide with understanding. And they love being challenged by students who want to go one step further.

“Their questions and curiosity challenge us," remarked Connie Briehn, Biology teacher. "And that’s what we live for!”

The vast majority of SBP teachers have advanced degrees, many coming to St. Bernard after working in higher education. They structure every class knowing first-hand what it takes to be prepared for college.​​​

Best boarding schools in the US. Boarding students in dorm room.

They love their students.​​​​​

One teacher, coming to us from another school, observed that all teachers want to know their students. However, she regretted that wasn’t possible in her last school, simply due to “the number of students who came through my door every day. You can’t possibly know 180 children.”

At St. Bernard Prep, she finally found an environment where, as a teacher, she could be present to each and every child.

Her students excel because they know she cares about them personally, especially important for those in our boarding school.