Annual Appeal

The Flagship of Giving to St. Bernard

The St. Bernard Annual Appeal supports every aspect of St. Bernard.

Your generous gift will:

  • pay for health care for the monks
  • feed low income students
  • keep our Abbey Church and other buildings heated and cooled
  • allow our students to learn instruments and play sports
  • fund schoolwide retreats and religious conferences
  • provide round-the-clock nursing care for elderly monks
  • enable exceptional educators to teach in our classroom


Because both the School and Abbey are recognized by the IRS as 501(c)3 organizations, contributions made to the Annual Appeal are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. We always recommend consulting with your tax advisor before making a charitable gift.

It takes many donors making gifts of all sizes to reach our Annual Appeal goal each year. The generosity of the St. Bernard Family makes the financial well-being possible for both St. Bernard Preparatory School and St. Bernard Abbey.